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VC Minute

192. Startup Maxims: Ask for Money, Get Advice

This week I’m covering startup maxims—tthose little phrases we all repeat to each other as common wisdom but may or may not be true, helpful, or relevant.

Today’s maxim: “Ask for money, get advice. Ask for advice, get money.”

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188. #1 Killer of Startups

Founders are efficiency-seeking missiles, which is what compels them to start businesses, but it’s a double-edged sword.

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187. CEO Has Three Responsibilities

The CEO is responsible for three things: communicate the vision, hire great people, and don’t run out of money. But it all boils down to just one thing.

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185. Three Questions To Ask Before Shutting Down

My friend Eric is a very successful startup founder who has been a CEO coach for the last decade. When founders come to him to ask if they should shut down their startup, he runs this process with them.

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184. Three Ways To Shut Down & The Terminal Plan

There are ways to shut down: The Ghost, The Bonfire, The Refund. But there’s also a great way to sell your startup. That advice is not mine to share, so go read this presentation by Geoff Lewis: The Terminal Plan