VC Minute – quick advice to help startup founders fundraise better.
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Welcome back to another week of VC minute. This week, I’m going to be focusing on intrinsic tips to help you focus on your mental health.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you do not need to wake up at 4:00 AM and have a 20-step morning routine to be successful.
Morning, people love to tell you how they’ve been up since 3:45 AM and all the things they’ve already accomplished. And if you believe the hype, and then it may seem like every successful person has some sort of an early start routine. I’m here to tell you that what’s more important than the time of the day when you wake up is “know thyself.”
I’m a night owl. I love jamming late into the night. Interestingly, my low point when I struggle the most is from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. But after 8:00 PM, it’s like someone flipped a switch and no matter how exhausted I was 20 minutes ago, I am ready to rock. I know these things about myself, and I build my schedule accordingly. This is my chronotype.
There are some inputs in your life that you can control such as food, drink and exercise. And there are some things that you can’t control, like your chronotype. And if you fight against this, you’re just going to make yourself tired and miserable.
You don’t need to change something that you can’t control to be who you are and be successful.
And that I think is the real lesson here. 1) know thyself. 2) change what you can control. And 3) adapt your surroundings and your schedule to the rest.
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