VC Minute – quick advice to help startup founders fundraise better.
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Your lead investor needs to be the one having the most fun at the pool party. Let’s face it, they’re the first one in the pool. You and your lead investor locked arms and jumped in together.
They’re the one that’s in there having a great time, trying to convince everybody else to jump in. They have a vested interest in the success of your fundraise.
A great lead investor knows this and they will be out in front talking with other investors. Talking up why others should invest in you. Giving them all the good reasons. Playing into confirmation bias. Letting them know that the party is heating up and they got to get in the pool.
As you’re interviewing potential lead investors this is something you should be asking them, “how can you help me bring this round together? How have you done this before?”
Because when you’ve got that lead investor, the round is going to come together. The pool’s going to fill up. And then you can get back to building your business.
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