VC Minute – quick advice to help startup founders fundraise better.
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It’s amazing how a few weeks can make a difference in the startup environment. When I recorded that clip about the shits, it was the beginning of may. Yeah. The stock market had fallen. We were all expecting, it was going to be a little tough. Here we are at the end of may.
I’m recording this as a follow-up because it’s incredible how much has changed since then. Fear is rampant.
Founders. Expect that over the next few months, you are going to get a lot of the SHITS from investors.
Investors still have capital to deploy, lots of it, in fact, more than ever. But given the fear in the market right now, they’re going to be holding off. There will still be investments made. You can still raise money.
It’s just going to take more to break through and get conviction from the investors that you’re targeting.
You’re going to have to throw a cooler pool party.
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